Data Collection
- Qualitative and quantitative data collection on key assessments and other indicators of candidate performance
- Individual faculty collection of data on course evaluations, scholarship, and service.
- Internal and external evaluations and reports that are responsive to the unit’s operationalization of the Mission and Strategic Plan
Annual Review & Reporting
- Collection of Key Assessment and other indicators of candidate performance
- Faculty completion of Annual Performance Review (FAPR)
- Unit’s reports to the University, Board of Councilors; Accreditation reports; Federal Reports; Reports to other external organizations (national rankings)
Data Analysis & Needs Assessment
- Reflection by faculty and staff on Key Assessment results and other indicators and trends from the previous academic year
- Analysis of FAPRs by faculty subcommittees. Faculty reflection on individual performance in previous year
- Unit Leadership review of internal and external reporting data regarding resources, faculty, staff, and operational needs to meet the Mission and Strategic Plan
Improvement Planning
- Faculty and staff meetings with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to design responsive measures based on
candidate achievement on Key Assessments and other indicators
- Review of individual FAPRs by Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs. Individual meetings with faculty to highlight areas of
strength and identify areas for improvement
- Unit Leadership design responsive actions to facilitate the unit achievement of the Mission and Strategic Plan
Information of Data & Formative Assessment
- Programmatic implementation of the Dean’s Charge and continuous monitoring of candidate proficiencies on Key
Assessments and other indicators
- Office of the Vice-Dean for Faculty Affairs monitors performance through course evaluations, scholarship, and service
- Unit Leadership implements and formatively monitors progress on internal and external evaluations and reports
Read the complete text of the USC Rossier School of Education
Assessment and Evaluation Guide for Improvement System